Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hi everyone,

As I have four fire places in my restaurant where all the appetizers will be prepared. I had to design it as well. For the preparation table I chose that I will insert a picture of a phoenix.

How I came up with that idea was, when I was researching about ancient Greek houses for my research process, I found out that the ancient Greek people used charcoal braziers to heat their homes. Phoenix is a mythical bird who is reborn by its own ash and this came into my mind when I read about charcoal braziers.

                                  The image I choose to draw
Source :

                                    My sketch of the phoenix

                                    A render of my restaurant

Lots of levels..

Hi everyone,

As you probably saw in my previous post, I have many many levels in my massing and I had to come up with an idea how I should show the levels in it. For that I cut some boards and tried putting different levels.
Previous post :

I came up with two ways of showing the levels in my massing.

The first way : If you carefully look at the above picture, you will be able to notice that the yellow shapes and black circles are below the brown shape.

The second way : The difference between the latter and this is that, the same yellow shapes and black circles are above the brown massing.

Accordingly, I chose the second one that thought that I would level up the yellow shapes in the massing. The example is shown below.

The levels will be shown in this pattern. The dinning table and chairs will be on this shape and you have to climb two steps to your table.

Warmth in the family

Hi everyone,

This post is connected with my previous post.

Because I was not quite happy with my previous massing, I selected another image.

                                   The original image I choose
Source : As I downloaded this picture sometime before, I could not find the original source.

After choosing the image once again, I started by simplifying the image.

                                          My sketch of the image

                                      Simplified version of the sketch

                                     The initial massing I came up with

                                                The basic floor plan

                                    A more clear sketch of my massing

                                      My final massing of the ground plan

How Penguines Huddle!!!!

Hi everyone,

After choosing my concept to be "warmth in the family," I wanted to start on the massing of the restaurant. When I was doing my research, I found out that the penguins huddle in the winter in order to protect them from cold. Therefore, I thought of using a huddled up penguins pack for my massing.

                               The huddle I selected for my massing
Source :

                                  The simplified sketch of the image

                                  My sketch of levels in the massing

                                     The initial massing of my pan.

The scale is not final in the above plan. I was not quite happy with what I came up with. Therefore I worked on another massing, which was one of the best three in the class. But to see that, you will have to visit my next post.


Hi everyone,

The next major project we started to work on was redesigning a restaurant. This is very exciting and the most challenging ever. After measuring the site and drawing the basic ground floor plan, we were instructed to choose our very own design concept to start on the designing process. For this we had to do a lot of research.

My restaurant is based on Greek cuisine and therefore, I researched on the history of Greek and found about the Greek mythology. Greek mythology are the legends of various Goods and human Heroes, the Greek people in the past have worshiped and respected a lot. As I went through the family tree of Greek Gods, I found about the Goddess of Hestia, who is the goddess for home and hearth.

I was influenced by this and wanted to name my restaurant Hestia. The following process shows how I came up with my logo. The final logo is yet to be completed.

                                 The sketches of logos I came up with

                                     The picture I was influenced with
Source :

                           The final logo I came up with, without colors

Reception Counter in the shape of a"BONE"

Hi everyone,

For an in class group assignment, we were given to design a either a bar counter, chair and a table or a Reception counter which can be used by any person. What is meant by any person is that, an average short person, a disabled person and an average tall person.

This is simply called ergonomics. As designers, we should consider ergonomics in our general design from the block planning stages onwards, through to the more detailed design of common fixtures designed by interior designers. These may include bar counters, hotel reception counters, office reception counters, retail cash desks, retail display units and fixed bar/restaurant seating.

For example Book Mountain Library quarter in Netherlands is 100% accessible for anyone including diabled people.

                                       Book Mountain in Netherlands
Source :

Accordingly, we were first divided into groups and then asked to design something according to the standard measurements. We decided to design a hospital reception counter. In this exercise we were influenced by the shape of a bone.

                                         The basic shape of a bone
Source :

                                    How we took the shape of the bone

                     The sketch of the reception counter we came up with

Monday, August 19, 2013

Perspective Drawing

Hi all,

When it comes to drawing sites, perspective drawings are very important to deliver your ideas to your respective clients. Perspective drawings can be either one point, two points or more than that.

                             My sketch of a perspective drawing

Once you learn the process, drawing a perspective render is going to be really easy. If you want any guide as to how to draw one point perspectives and two points perspective, you can refer to the following link.

furniture designing

Hi everyone,

Interior Designing is not only about space designing. It also includes furniture designing.

                                      My sketch of a Wassily Chair

The following are some websites of famous furniture designers whom I found would be very important in the study process of my upcoming years.

Church of the Light

Hi everyone,

                                     My sketch of Church of the Light
The Church of the Light was designed by the most famous Japanese Architect Tadao Ando.

It consists of three 5.9m concrete cubes penetrated by a wall angled at 15 degrees, dividing the cube into the chapel and the entrance area.

The space of the chapel is defined by light, the strong contrast between light and solid. Natural light enters from behind the alter from a cross cut in the concrete wall that extends vertically room floor to ceiling and horizontally from wall to wall, which gives the feeling of divine powers.

Some people find this light disturbing though and also complain about the empty interior space. However, for Ando the idea of 'emptiness' is a means to transfer someone into the realm of the spiritual.

Source :

Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Our Lady of Paris"

Hi everyone,

"Our Lady of Paris" is the English translation for Notre-Dam de Paris.I studied about the Notre Dam for a presentation on Gothic Architecture.

                                   My sketch of Notre Dam de Paris

Characteristics of Gothic architecture include the pointed arch, the ribbed vault and the flying buttresses. Such pointed arches and flying buttresses can be seen in the above sketch. The rose window,which are often found in the facades of the churches of Spain and Italy, is also visible.

The building was not originally designed to include flying buttresses. However, after the construction began, the thinner walls grew higher and stress fractures began to occur because the walls pushed outward. In response, supports had to be build around the outside walls, which ultimately resulted in flying buttresses.

Source :

Research on Shiva Temple

Hi everyone,

The research we did on Sr Ponnambalavaneswarar Kovil was very interesting and gained our group good marks. We worked hard for this project starting from site visit to final presentation. We wrote an essay, made models of the site, prepared videos of the ceremonies and were able to bring out an interesting presentation.

Our group contained of 6 members and I got the part of introduction and Historical and Cultural Significance. My part of essay is given below.

A person visits a religious building, when that person needs peace for his mind. When we feel that our self-confidence is lacking, we tend to search for a moral encouragement which is believed to be granted by the Gods.
Kovils are Hindu Temples built according to the Act of Holy Religious Scriptures. The temples that are not built accordingly are known as Monasteries, like Katharagama Murugan Temple, Mandoor Murugan Temple. Ponnambalavaneswarar Kovil is built according to this Act.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Sri Ponnambalavaneswarar Kovil was built by Sriman Ponnambalam Mudliar in 1856. After obtaining the land from Captain John Stone, the kovil was made out of bricks. Mudliar wanted to develop hinduism in Sri Lanka, because at that time Hindus were converting their religion. His belief strengthned when he had a dream of, him breaking a pomergranate fruit and out of it emerged a Shiva Linga.

                                      Sriman Ponnambalam Mudliar

                                     Sri Ponnambalam Ramanathan

                       Photographs of historical photoframes in Kovil Office

After the death of Mudliar, Sri Ponnambalam Ramanathan, receiving the official post of the temple in 1906, wanted to rebuilt the temple. He played an important role in achieving the freedom in Ceylon, from British emperor.

The significant changes he included when he rebuilt it are the reasons why we choose this temple for our project. The first reason is that the whole temple from the ceiling to the floor and even the outside is built out of granite which took almost 6 years to complete.
Ganapathi Sthapathi who was the main sculptor, was an expert in making sculptures especially for temples. The sculptures he made reflect the style of Chola dynasty which is another reason.                                             
In 1967, the Koburum in East side was finished followed by placing Goddess Parvathi Statue in 1974, and making Navagraha Kovil in 1986. The Kumbabhishekam pooja was done in 1999 after the renovation and building two outside temples for Hanumantha and Goddess Parvathi.
The main God in the temple is Sri Swarna Sabeswaraana Ponnambalavaeswarar, well known as God Shiva. The main Goddess is Sri Sivaagama Soundary Ambaal, Goddess Parvathi, the wife of Lord Shiva. God Shiva the main creator of the world, including other Gods has five major roles as creating, blessing, caring, protecting from evil and destroying.
Worshiping God Shiva has been a part of the cultural elements of the Hindus because of the religious stories that have been followed throughout history.
There are only five major Shiva temples in our country. They are Munneswaram in Chilaw, Naguleswaram in Jaffna, Thirukoneswaram in Trinkomalee, Thiruketheeswaram in Mannar and Sri Ponnambalavaneswarar in Colombo. The common feature about these temples is that all of them are constructed near to the harbors. The reason for this is, the labors and sculptors who made these temples were from India and it was easy for them to go back to their country in an emergency.

                                     Pancha Shiva Temples in Sri Lanka

                       My sketch of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi

                                                Original Image
Source :


"Freedom" Model Making 2


In my previous post, I showed how I came up with the shape of my model.

                                             My completed model

                                         Another view of the model

The six materials of the six sides depict different stages of the freedom struggle of women.
Wood : "When it was the time where women were strictly prohibited from doing anything except of the  chores of a housewife..."

Glass : "She was allowed to look at things, but no one bothered to take her opinion..."

Card board : "Slowly the barriers became thin.. She was becoming recognizable in the society..."

 Steel rods : "She was allowed to participate in serious matters, but only to a limited extent."

Elastic strips : "She started fighting for herself... It was difficult but not impossible... "

Strings : "Now she is willing to break all the barriers and step into the world... "

"Freedom" Model Making 1

Hi again,

Along with the massing for the exhibition, we were also required submit an exhibit which would depict the idea of our concepts. I concentrated on how the freedom can be limited and the initial idea which came into my mind was the bird cages.

                                        Different types of bird cages
Source :

The scanned page of my development book to show how I came up with the initial shape of my model

        The 6 sides of the model are made of 6 different materials to show

Massing for an exhibition

Hi there,

Designing an exhibition could be tricky because you have to consider about the traffic pattern and how the exhibits should be kept. After the retail project, we were given our next project to design an exhibition in the lobby of AOD.

The same procedure was to be followed and we were to choose a concept. This time I chose the concept of freedom. I was not referring to the freedom in general, but the freedom in the lives of women.

Due to various reasons women were discriminated against men since the past. However, thanks to those ideal women who stand for the rights of women, now they are given much more freedom compared to the past.

                                                Mother Teresa
Source :

                                           Florence Nightingale
Source :

                                                 Princess Diana
Source :

I compared the freedom of women to a wave. A wave is also limited to a certain space and the shape of a wave was taken into my massing.

                          The scanned page of my development book

                                        The colored ground plan

                                    The sections of the ground plan

                                An axonometric drawing of the lobby

                          A perspective render of a corner of the lobby

                                          A render of the cubes

                         A colored render of how the exhibits will be kept

Rainbow Sofa

Hi everyone,

As I mentioned in my last post,, I choose the concept of children's outdoor activities. Accordingly, I wanted to design the interior in a way that would remind the kids about the outside environment.

I was thus, inspired by the rainbow and wanted to design the sofas in the waiting area using the seven colors of the rainbow.

                                                    A rainbow
Source :

                                      My sketch of the rainbow sofa

The followoing are some real rainbow color sofas the designers have made.
                                      Kids sofa of rainbow material
Source :

                                           Petit rainbow sofa
Source :

                                       Rainbow Sofa by Lubo Majer
Source :